Construction of a prototype Geiger Müller counter as dosimetric support in ionizing radiation monitoring




Dosimetry, Geiger Müller Counters, Ionizing Radiation, Radiological Protection.


In radiological protection, it is important to measure the entry dose to the skin as a direct dosimetric indicator or as a base data for a subsequent calculation of the effective dose or equivalent dose. Geiger Counters are particle and ionizing radiation detectors that emit different radiation sources. They are used as environmental dosimeters, measuring the equivalent dose rate in air at key points in exposed and unexposed areas in radiology services. This article shows the construction of a Geiger Müller counter from the use of open source technologies such as the Arduino, these systems allow the integration of different applications at very affordable costs, easy programming and assembly, the device not only allows measurement radiation dose perceived in conventional radiology areas, but also has a thermo-hygrometer capturing two extra fundamental variables for monitoring temperature and relative humidity of the equipment operating environment, in its configuration the prototype performs measurements remotely and in real time, without exposing the professional who performs the monitoring; With the location of the device in the right place, said measurement is transmitted to be viewed from any computer or mobile device, also through sending to viewing platforms, having the freedom to carry out continuous monitoring, storing said information to keep track strict in the management of emissions in the rooms where the different radiological equipment operates.


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Author Biography

Liceth Perez Rendon, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina


Departamento de Ciencias Basicas


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How to Cite

Rendon, L. P. (2021). Construction of a prototype Geiger Müller counter as dosimetric support in ionizing radiation monitoring. Scientia Et Technica, 26(2), 246–253.


