Analysis of the standardized test (PSVT: R), as a diagnostic route, for the intervention with instruments, facilitators of the development of the spatial ability of rotation, essential, in the understanding of Descriptive Geometry




memory, previous ideas, rotation


The challenge consists of developing the spatial ability of rotation within the classroom, to a group of students of the first year of engineering. They arrive at the university and are located in a space of dihedral projection, to develop the sense of orientation and the perception of visualization and, later they migrate to the second course of graphic expression (Descriptive Geometry), there it generates a conflict, especially on its location within the scope and its displacements between the main projection planes of the parallelepiped or conventional matrix and the n adjacent and annexed auxiliary elevation planes, which allow a solution to a tangible engineering problem. The initial purpose of this investigation is to reveal deficiencies in the spatial ability of rotation, (hereinafter HER). To do this, we propose a qualitative study, with a case study method, and the application of the rotational spatial ability measurement test (PSVT: R), Purdue University, to a group of students, said test and the given treatment. With a student's t test and some interviews, they showed that 61% of those interviewed mentally rotated the entire figure around an axis, 33% rotated only a characteristic part of the solid and 6% managed with others strategies. Only 1 student (5.5%) did not rotate the model. as preliminary results of this research. And make a presentation on the instruments designed, which allow, from the students' previous ideas, on the line and the point, to develop spatial ability.


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How to Cite

Parrra Lara, H., & Ospina Parra, C. A. . (2022). Analysis of the standardized test (PSVT: R), as a diagnostic route, for the intervention with instruments, facilitators of the development of the spatial ability of rotation, essential, in the understanding of Descriptive Geometry. Scientia Et Technica, 27(1), 52–60.



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