Emergency remote teaching in process simulation using DWSIM: a case study from DIQ-UMAG, Chilean Patagonia





DWSIM, Process simulation, Remote emergency teaching, YouTube channel


<p align="left">Due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, Chilean universities were forced to transition from face-to-face classes to online instruction. In response, the Department of Chemical Engineering (DIQ) at the University of Magallanes sought alternative strategies for remote teaching. This article reports on their experience of delivering technical process simulation skills to their final-year undergraduate chemical engineering students. Due to difficulties connecting with the commercial software Aspen HYSYS, which was housed at the university, the department turned to the open-source software, DWSIM, as an alternative. The material content was adapted, and video tutorials were created to meet learning objectives. The software was taught in a new module within the Project Engineering course to develop the skills needed for students to design and simulate a chemical plant. Positive feedback and constructive criticism were received from the students through anonymous surveys and discussion forums. In response, DIQ launched its YouTube channel, DIQ_DWSIM, which has had a positive impact on Spanish-speaking individuals seeking to learn DWSIM. Additionally, two universities have used the channel as support material for their process simulation courses. A second survey of the YouTube audience has further solidified the value of this open online educational resource for higher education learning. </p>


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Author Biographies

Daniela Josefina Navarro Pérez, Universidad de Magallanes, Chile

Chemical civil engineer from the University of Magallanes (UMAG), Chile. Since 2015, Daniela is a full-time lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UMAG; her teaching areas are the simulation of industrial processes, unit operations, project engineering, and process safety. In 2018, she obtained her MSc. in Petroleum Production Engineering from the University of Leeds, UK. She is currently in her third year of a Ph.D. in Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds, UK.

Juan Carlos Moreno Díaz, Universidad de Magallanes, Chile

Chemical engineer with a mention in petroleum and petrochemicals from the State Technical University (UTE), and Chemical civil engineer from the University of Magallanes (UMAG). Since 1990 he has been an academic at the Department of Chemical Engineering at UMAG and, from 2010 a visiting professor at the National University of Patagonia (UNPA) Río Gallegos, Argentina. His teaching areas are Transport Phenomena, Fluid Mechanics, Kinetics, Process Engineering.

Pedro Alejandro Simeone Barrientos, Universidad de Magallanes, Chile

Chemical civil engineer from the University of Magallanes (UMAG), Chile. Since 2017, he has been an part-time professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UMAG. His teaching areas are the simulation of industrial processes and unit operations


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How to Cite

Navarro Pérez, D. J., Moreno Díaz, J. C., & Simeone Barrientos, P. A. (2022). Emergency remote teaching in process simulation using DWSIM: a case study from DIQ-UMAG, Chilean Patagonia. Scientia Et Technica, 27(2), 130–140. https://doi.org/10.22517/23447214.25065



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