Biosorption and bioremediation of wastewater of textile origin: A sustainable solution for the industry


  • Stefany Patiño Jiménez Universidad de Caldas
  • Diana Marcela Ocampo Serna Universidad de Caldas



Bioremediation, Biosorption, Contaminants, Textile industry, Wastewater


Today, the textile industry stands out for its global economic contribution. However, its expansion brings growing concern due to environmental impact and massive generation of highly polluted wastewater. These waters, originating from the textile industry, host a wide range of harmful organic compounds, including dyes, persistent chemicals, heavy metals and other elements, representing a significant environmental challenge and a significant risk to aquatic ecosystems and human health. This article focuses on the application of bioremediation and biosorption as essential methods to address the problem of water pollution from the textile industry. These methods have emerged as promising and sustainable solutions to this growing concern, offering significant progress in water pollution mitigation and a hopeful outlook for the sustainable development of the textile industry. Its proper and continued implementation can lead to more responsible and environmentally friendly practices to degrade and eliminate pollutants using microorganisms effectively.


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Author Biographies

Stefany Patiño Jiménez, Universidad de Caldas

Magister en Quimica de la  Universidad de Caldas

Diana Marcela Ocampo Serna, Universidad de Caldas

Doctora en Ciencias Quimicas de la Universidad del Valle
Profesora de planta de la Universidad de Caldas


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How to Cite

Patiño Jiménez, S., & Ocampo Serna, D. M. (2024). Biosorption and bioremediation of wastewater of textile origin: A sustainable solution for the industry. Scientia Et Technica, 29(02), 97–106.



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