Ramsar wetlands protected by complementary conservation strategies and natural areas in Colombia
áreas nacionales protegidas, conservación ambiental, distribución espacial, ecosistemaAbstract
The wetland ecosystem plays a vital role in preserving biodiversity, providing ecosystem services, and conserving cultural and natural heritage. Effectively identifying and
protecting these ecosystems is important for sustainable development and the well-being of humans and the environment. No document addresses the issue of spatial distribution of Ramsar wetlands in Colombia under the jurisdiction of complementary conservation strategies. For this reason, a literature review and study of the information from the Single National Registry of Protected Areas and the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention
was carried out, to define and study the spatial distribution of Ramsar wetlands through Shapefile files analyzed in the ArcGIS Pro software. The results show that there is an overlap between wetlands with the Ramsar category and the National System of Protected Areas of 33,32%, which represents 350.667 ha, which indicates the need to continue declaring complementary strategies to maintain ecological values and sociocultural aspects of these vital ecosystems.
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