Pollinators community structure and multivariant analysis of tomato’s quality fruit Lycopersicon esculentum Mill (Solanaceae) in a crop located in Caldas – Colombia.


  • Sandra Milena arias restrepo Universidad del Quindío
  • Jhon Deiber Torres Carrera Licenciado en biología y ciencias ambientales, Universidad del Quindío
  • Ligia Janneth Molina Rico Universidad del Quindío Estudiante de Doctorado Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira




Comunidad polinizadora, calidad del fruto, estadística multivariada, Lycopersicon esculentum, polinización cruzada,


We determined the community pollinators and analyzed tomato’s quality fruit Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cultivated in Viterbo-Caldas Colombia’s municipality. We sampled in a flowering semi greenhouse doing randomly for highest foraging areas around. Were recorded plant-flower visitors each inspected plant and its control, obtaining abundance and genera values from those by counting per hour ranges. We used a Principal Component Analysis to analyze ecological and economical variables of fruit quality. We used a T, diversity. And genera accumulation curve was graphed. To analyze the sample representativeness we obtained the Chao1, ACE, ICE, Singletons y Doubletons estimators. Pollination percentage in crop 57.7%. We taxonomically identified four genera of pollinating bees: Apis , Melipona, Agapostemon, and Euglossa. Highest foraging activity ranging from 8 to10 am was found. Weight vs polar diameter was close to Agapostemon (R=1, p=0.0026, CP1=78.3% y CP2=21.7%). T-test showed significantly differences (p=0.0035) between cross and self pollination. Diversity indices (E = 0.90460) suggested a low pollinators’ richness, dominance and diversity (DMg=1.13677; Dsp=0.25275; H’=1.25404). The sampling was representativeness as Chao 1 100% and ACE 90% estimated. Among 50% of the crop is not exploited productively. cross pollination makes by Agapostemon becomes fruits’ weight and polar diameter improve.


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How to Cite

arias restrepo, S. M., Torres Carrera, J. D., & Molina Rico, L. J. (2015). Pollinators community structure and multivariant analysis of tomato’s quality fruit Lycopersicon esculentum Mill (Solanaceae) in a crop located in Caldas – Colombia. Scientia Et Technica, 20(4), 382–390. https://doi.org/10.22517/23447214.9285



Ciencias Ambientales