Editorial policies


 About Scientia et Technica journal:

The journal Scientia et Technica has registration in the Section of Intellectual Property and Publications Registry of Government of the Republic of Colombia, under resolution 131 of March 1995. It has printed ISSN (0122-1701) and electronic ISSN (2344-7214). Currently, this journal is published only electronically and is edited by the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. It is recognized as a B in Publindex Colciencias until December 31st 2020.

Scientia et Technica journal is a quarterly publication of Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, aimed at publishing original, unpublished and recent research results from projects developed in Science and technology.

The journal, by its nature, is aimed at students, professors, researchers, the national and international academic and scientific community in the areas of Basic Sciences and Engineering.

Host publishing institution:

This journal is completely supported administratively and financially by the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia.


To show to the academic community the results of research works carried out by professors, researchers and students in the Basic Sciences and Engineering areas, as well as the writings of reflection and formative research that contribute to the strengthening of the academic base of the universities.


To be a reference for the Latin American scientific community, with a great impact especially in the basic sciences and engineering areas, constituting an obligatory means of consultation for professors, students and researchers.


The journal Scientia et Technica is a triannual official publication of Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. It publishes original, unpublished and recent research results from projects developed in science and technology.

The journal is aimed at students, professors, researchers, and national and international academic and scientific community in the areas of basic sciences and engineering.


Article Publishing Charges

There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal. The articles are free to access online immediately on publication, as well as for downloading them. The articles are peer reviewed by independent, anonymous referees. They do not get paid for the reviewing process. Instead of this, in gratitude, a certification is given to the reviewer, this can contribute to his/her academic experience.

The journal does not charge authors for publishing (Article Processing Charge - APC). This means that it does not require any monetary or in-kind fee for the evaluation or publication of the manuscripts. Likewise, the magazine does not make payments to the evaluators, who in an economically disinterested way carry out the evaluations.

The articles published in the journal Scientia et Technica are Free Open Access, which promotes the dissemination of published scientific works without economic barriers for their viewing and use, always under the respect of copyright.

The journal Scientia et Technica has current registration in the Intellectual Property and Publications Registry Section of the Ministry of Government of the Republic of Colombia, through Resolution 131 of March 1995.


Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, its Boards, the Editor, the Editorial and Scientific Committees are not responsible for the opinion and criteria presented in the content of the articles.


Declaration of Ethics and Good Practices in Scientific Publications

The journal Scientia et Technica is committed to high standards of ethics, therefore, it embraces international standards in scientific publications and is committed to the academic and scientific community to ensure the ethics and quality of published articles. The journal will be guided by the Committee of Ethics in Publications (COPE). http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors.pdf

 All manuscripts received will be treated as a confidential document, and the authors must declare the characteristics of originality and authorship when submitting their work to the Editorial Committee of the journal. Scientia et Technica will take all possible action to avoid fraud, plagiarism and guarantee an adequate response to the readers and authors demands. The journal policies will ensure the quality of the publications made, protecting, and respecting the content of the manuscripts as their integrity.  Scientia et Technica uses the double-blind peer review system to assure, always, the confidentiality of the review process, the anonymity of the reviewers, the authors and t evaluation results. The Editorial Committee agrees to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.


The journal Scientia et Technica expresses its commitment to the respect and integrity of the published works. For this reason, those manuscripts that are plagiarized or their content is fraudulent will not be published. Additionally, the papers that have already been issued in other media will be removed from the journal. The scientific committee will act, in these cases, with the highest possible severity. By accepting the terms and agreements expressed by the journal, the authors must guarantee that the manuscript and the materials correlated with it are original or do not violate copyrights. The authors must also agree, in the case of shared authorship, that all they have worked actively in the paper's writing and researching process. Additionally, all co-authors must recognize that the manuscript has been previously neither submitted nor published, by any media, even in another language.


The authors cannot be modified in any way, adding new or removing existing ones, during any step of the editorial process. The single request is grounds for withdrawal of the submission. In that case, the authors must start the submission process  in a new call for papers.



All the manuscripts and personal data received will be treated as confidential information. However, when the authors submit the work authorize the use of all the information provided and registered in the journal to be used exclusively in the editorial management of the journal. The entire process is documented and archived for incorporation into the Publindex Bibliographic Database of Colciencias. In no case will your data be shared outside the editorial process.


The journal Scientia et Technica expresses its commitment to the respect and integrity of the published works. For this reason, manuscripts that are identified as plagiarism or its content is fraudulent will not be published. Likewise, articles that have already been published in other media will be removed from the journal. The journal will act in these cases with the greatest possible severity: by accepting the terms and agreements expressed by our journal, the authors must guarantee that the article and the materials associated with it are original or do not infringe the copyright.

The authors must also justify, in the case of a shared authorship, have had a full consensus of all the affected authors and state that the manuscript has not been submitted to evaluation simultaneously. It must be explicitly stated, if the work was part of a thesis and participated in a conference.


Peer review  process policy

The manuscripts presented in the different calls are submitted to a first review by the Editor or the Editorial Committee who carry out the initial assessment. They consider whether the article is original and unpublished.  Besides, they check if the manuscript complies with the Publication Regulations for the authors of the journal. If needed, the necessary adjustments are recommended to the authors; on the contrary, it can be definitively rejected.

The manuscripts that pass the initial evaluation of the Editorial Committee are sent to an arbitration process carried out by national and international peer experts. In each issue, the maximum number of internal peer reviewers from the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira in no case will exceed 20%. The entire process is documented in the formats set by the journal, filed in its repository and partially shared in the Colciencias Bibliographic Database (Publindex Colombia).

Once your paper has been assessed for suitability by the editor, it will then be double blind peer reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. The double-blind review methodology is used to maintain confidentiality, avoiding the identity among the authors and the reviewers. For this purpose, the following steps are taken into account:

  1. The authors of the document should delete their names from the text and other related information, this should go in the author formats.

  2. The information uploaded (metadata) to the page, is not shared with the evaluators that participate in the editorial process to keep hidden the identity of the authors and reviewers among themselves.

  3. The management of the files and their information is used only by the editorial process staff, who warrant the privacy of the information and mobility in the review process.

  4. Each reviewer will have 8 working days to give acceptance of the work entrusted to the reviewer (accepted review or rejected review).

  5. The reviewers, once the arbitration work has been accepted, has a maximum of four weeks to carry out the review and transfer the results into the evaluation format established with the pertinent observations.

  6. If the opinion of both referees and that of the editor agrees to reject an article, it will be returned to the authors with the respective observations to show the objectives not reached in the manuscript.

  7. In case of presenting what is stated in the previous paragraph, the author may appeal to the Editorial Committee, in order to have his case reviewed. If there is a contradiction between the evaluations of the two arbitrators, the intervention of a third party will be resorted under the same conditions as the other arbitrators.

  8. If the article is finally accepted, it will be returned to the author, with the proper observations if needed. The paper must be resent with the corrections in a period of no more than 10 calendar days, and uploaded the manuscript again through the Open Journal System (OJS). If the manuscript is not returned within the established term, its publication will be deferred to a new issue.

  9. The manuscript will be withdrawn from the editorial process after 60 calendar days of no answer from the request for any adjustment. In that case, you must start all the process without the obligation of notification by the journal.


Editorial process of the journal

The editorial process refers to the terms to which the article will be submitted in order to be published in our journal. These are:

  1. Send the manuscript by the main author through the web portal of the journal via OJS. In some exceptional cases, approved by the editor, they will be accepted by electronic mail fulfilling all the requirements of the web platform.

  2. Reception of the manuscript by the editorial assistant, who verifies agreement with the aspects of form, in what refers to the format and attached files required.

  3. Once the basic reception criteria are fulfilled, the manuscript goes to the editor.

  4. Assignment of section editors corresponding to the subject of the manuscript.

  5. Sending by the editor to section reviewers to review basic compliance of form and relevance.

  6. Submission of the article by section editors to the editor.

  7. Submission of the article, by the editor, to the peer reviewing experts (arbitrators) selected from the database.

  8. Receiving the opinion of the expert referees, final decision that can be any of the following:

          Accepted, sending without modifications (Accept sending).

          Accepted with style or redaction corrections (revisions are needed).

          Accepted with major corrections (Resend for review).

          Rejection (Reject the paper).

  1. Editorial decision (this will depend on the result delivered by the peer reviewers).
  2. Publication of the paper.

Guide for authors

 The manuscript must be accompanied by the covering letter, the author data format, the rights transfer format, and authorization for the use and storage of personal data.   These can be downloaded at the journal web site http://revistas.utp.edu.co/index.php/revistaciencia by clicking on the side menu formats. These must be attached at the time of sending the article in Word format. The data entered here will be incorporated into the Publindex Bibliographic Database of Colciencias.


The articles must be presented in the IEEE 2017 format adapted by the editorial committee, which can be downloaded from the Scientia et Tehcnica web page at  http://revistas.utp.edu.co/revistaciencia by clicking on the side menu tab formats. The non-use of this updated format disqualifies the article and makes it not considered in the current call. The author registered as the corresponding author will be informed.

The editor and/or the editorial committee will study each manuscript and decide on the convenience of its publication. In some cases, you can accept it with some modifications or suggest the most appropriate way for a new presentation.

Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). The evaluators are very demanding in the verification of these, their pertinence, actuality and the relation with the treated subject.

Scientia et Technica journal is not responsible for the return of articles that are not approved by the evaluators.

Basic quality standards:

The manuscripts sent to the journal must present high standards of scientific quality and presentation. These must fulfill the requirements of the IEEE 2017 format in its edition and have no problems of writing or spelling before being sent to the journal and, subsequently, to the external peer reviewers. Manuscripts that do not meet these minimums will not be considered and, therefore, will be returned. If the authors make the corrections, they have to start the editorial process from the beginning.

The authors must warrant the originality and authorship when submitting their work to the Editorial Committee of the journal. Scientia et Technica will carry out the possible measures to avoid fraud, plagiarism and guarantee an adequate response to the needs of the readers and authors, ensuring the quality of the publications made, protecting and respecting the content of the articles, as well as the integrity of these.


Priority in the evaluation and publication

The journal reserves the maximum number of articles per issue. Some priority will be given in the publication to the research result papers written entirely in English and to the manuscripts of scientific events with which the journal presents a publishing agreement. In all cases, they must comply with the editorial review process that includes peer reviewers. For each edition of the journal, the number of internal authors will be taken into account at the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (publishing entity), so that, in no case, this will exceed 20% of the total number of authors and articles to be published. Researchers who share affiliations with other institutions and with the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, will be considered internal. Similarly, in all cases, only one paper per author will be published in each issue and a maximum of two per year. Any procedure that is done to avoid these restrictions will leave the author and co-authors outside the editorial process of the journal for 1 year.


Responsibilities of authors

In case the submitted work is approved for publication, the authors will authorize the journal, in an unlimited manner in time, that the article can be reproduced, edited, distributed, exhibited and communicated in any place, either by printed, electronic means, databases, repositories, optical discs, Internet or any other means required, retaining the obligation to respect, in all cases, the moral rights of the author, contained in Article 30 of Law 23 of 1982 of the Colombian Government. Likewise, the authors will accept that the work presented will be distributed in open access, safeguarding the author's rights under the "Creative Commons" license. The Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira along with all its directives, the editor, the editorial and scientific committees of the journal are not responsible for the information expressed in the content of the articles. The authors must declare and warrant that all the material that is part of the article is totally free of copyright and, therefore, they are responsible for any litigation or claim related to intellectual property rights, exonerating of all responsibility the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (publishing company) and its journal Scientia et Technica.

Scientia et Technica journal is not responsible for the physical devolution of articles that are not accepted for publishing.



The journal is free open access. The papers are published under the Creative Commons Attribution / Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. For this reason, the author or authors of a manuscript accepted for publication will yield all the economic rights to the Universidad Tecnológica  of Pereira free of charge, taking into account the following:


In the event that the submitted manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors must grant permission to the journal,  in unlimited time, to reproduce, to edit, distribute, exhibit and publish anywhere, either by means printed, electronic, databases, repositories, optical discs, Internet or any other required medium. In all cases, the journal preserves the obligation to respect, the moral rights of the authors, contained in article 30 of Law 23 of 1982 of the Government Colombian.


The transferors using ASSIGNMENT OF PATRIMONIAL RIGHTS letter declare that all the material that is part of the article is entirely free of copyright.  Therefore, the authors are responsible for any litigation or related claim to intellectual property rights. They exonerate of all responsibility to the Universidad Tecnológica of Pereira (publishing entity) and the Scientia et Technica journal. Likewise, the authors accept that the work presented will be distributed in free open access, safeguarding copyright under the Creative Commons Attribution / Recognition-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.


Corrections and retractions:

The Editorial Committee commits to publish the editor's corrections, author's corrections, retractions and addendum when necessary.

Editor's correction: is the notification of an important mistake made by the journal that affects the article, or the reputation of the authors or the magazine itself.

Author's correction: is the notification of an important mistake made by the author (s) that affects the article, or the reputation of the authors or the magazine itself.

Retraction: is the notification of invalid results. In cases where all co-authors do not agree with it, internal editors can ask for advice from independent arbitrators.

Addendum: is the notification of missing or complementary information that significantly contributes to a better understanding of the article.

The authors will not be able to remove their manuscripts, once these are published in the journal.



Types of accepted articles (according to colciencias)

  1. Scientific and technological research article. Document that presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

  2. Article of reflection. Document that presents results of finished research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.

  3. Review article. Document resulting from a completed investigation where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, on a field in science or technology, in order to account for the advances and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

Priority will be given to type 1 articles since they are the ones with the greatest impact on Colciencias Publindex database.


Articles format

The articles must be submitted to the journal in format Word 2003 or higher, in accordance with the requirements of the IEEE 2017 (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). The journal Scientia et Technica has made minimal adaptations, including the inclusion of the abstract and the key words in Spanish.


Keywords (index terms)

Keywords allow the article to be successfully indexed, so its proper choice is fundamental. Authors should select the words of IEEE Taxonomy 2017: https://ieee.org/documents/taxonomy_v101.pdf. They should write between 3 and 5 words or phrases selected from the database that most closely match their categories. Since the file is in English, its Spanish version must be translated.


Writing style

Articles must be written clearly and concisely, in such a way that they are accessible to an international audience. It is important to avoid colloquial terms and expressions that may not be widely understood. You should write paragraphs and short sentences that facilitate reading. Keep in mind that all acronyms and abbreviations must be clearly explained when they appear in the text for the first time.



The bibliographical references must be adjusted to the standards of the IEEE and, additionally, in each reference it must include at the end the DOI of the cited article if it is available; it is recommended to use JABREF (http://www.jabref.org/) or Mendeley (https://www.mendeley.com/) as support in the bibliographic references (Bibtex).

Example with available DOI:

[1] E. V. Stanev and R. Kandilarov, "Sediment dynamics in the Black Sea: Numerical modelling and remote sensing observations," Ocean Dynam., vol. 62, pp. 533-553, Apr. 2012. doi:10.1007/s10236-012-0520-1

(without final dot)


Example without available DOI:

[1] E. V. Stanev and R. Kandilarov, "Sediment dynamics in the Black Sea: Numerical modelling and remote sensing observations," Ocean Dynam., vol. 62, pp. 533-553, Apr. 2012.




When you complete the article, carefully re-read your work a day later. This avoids the exhaustion that does not allow you to see in some cases, clear mistakes. When this stage has been completed, send the document to your colleagues and co-authors in the search for objective feedback. When all co-authors are satisfied that the work is ready to be sent to the journal, once again perform a final spelling and grammar check before submitting it. If necessary, use another expert when the article is in English and this does not turn out to be your first language.


Redistribution and use

Readers and authors are authorized to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format within the editorial policies. In all cases, authorship must be respected, so it is mandatory to keep an adequate citation.


Manuscript submission

The manuscript must be submitted exclusively by the Open Journal Systems (OJS) on the dates when the calls are open. Other alternative ways will be explicitly authorized by the publisher in each case and is considered a particularity.




Políticas de sección


Sin comprobar Abrir envíos Comprobado Indizado Sin comprobar Evaluado por pares


Sin comprobar Abrir envíos Comprobado Indizado Comprobado Evaluado por pares


Sin comprobar Abrir envíos Comprobado Indizado Comprobado Evaluado por pares


Sin comprobar Abrir envíos Comprobado Indizado Comprobado Evaluado por pares

Sistemas y Computación

Sin comprobar Abrir envíos Comprobado Indizado Comprobado Evaluado por pares

Ciencias Básicas

Sin comprobar Abrir envíos Comprobado Indizado Comprobado Evaluado por pares

Ciencias Ambientales

Sin comprobar Abrir envíos Comprobado Indizado Comprobado Evaluado por pares


Sin comprobar Abrir envíos Comprobado Indizado Comprobado Evaluado por pares