Approach through Semantic Networks to Epistemological Beliefs about Differential Calculus
The purpose of this paper is to carry out a study on the epistemological beliefs that professors from the Mathematics Department of the Technological University of Pereira, Colombia, expressed, concerning the teaching and learning process of differential calculus, and more specifically the mathematical object derivative in a course named Mathematics I. This research aims to analyze epistemological beliefs that mathematics professors at this university have in relation to the epistemological process of teaching and learning differential calculus. A multiple case study was carried out, by conducting thirty-nine interviews with the same number of teachers who have taught the subject Mathematics I. Semantic maps were designed to represent their epistemological beliefs about their vision against the branch of mathematics called differential calculus. A constructivist conception of the teaching of differential calculus by teachers was found, emphasizing the concepts and focusing on the teaching of applied mathematics. The teachers considered that the concepts of limits and functions should precede the teaching of the derivative. Differential calculus must be learned as it will serve as the foundation of other professional training courses; some teachers considered that this branch of mathematics has applications in the working life of the future engineer.
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