Prediction models of thermal loads in a meat products cold room
Prediction models of thermal loads in a meat products cold room
Heat required, cold room, mathematical model, power demanded, meat productsAbstract
The present work was carried out in the Industrial Center "2 de Diciembre", located in Camagüey, Cuba with the objective of obtaining mathematical models that characterize the thermal loads of the freezing tunnel, depending on the inlet temperature and the quantity of meat. It was observed that there is a direct relationship between the amount of meat to be cooled and the power demanded, that as the input temperature of the meat increases, the power demanded increases, being this value higher for the greater quantity of meat to be stored, as well as that the heat demanded decreases when the inlet temperature of the frozen meat increases. The mathematical models obtained are of great importance for the company since through them it is possible to predict energy consumption for the concept of cooling and freezing the meat, thus predicting the influence of the factors of quantity and temperature of the meat inlet on the energy needs of the company. The NEVERA software was used to obtain the numerical results, while the statistical package Statgraphics® Plus version 5.1 was used for the statistical processing of the data obtained.
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