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Benefits of physical exercise in overweight and obese children in Neiva-Huila, Colombia.




Child development, physical exercise, obesity, overweight



Childhood overweight and obesity are global problems that affect the growth and development of children. The statistics are alarming due to their growth in different countries. It is considered that these conditions can be prevented through the promotion of physical activity and healthy diets in childhood, which is a fundamental stage for establishing the essential foundations of healthy lifestyles that will directly and indirectly affect physical, and social and emotional well-being for life.


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Author Biographies

María Helena Audor González, Fundación Universitaria María Cano

Fisioterapeuta. Estudiante de maestría en epidemiología. 

Piedad Rocío Lerma Castaño, MSc., Fundación Universitaria María Cano

Fisioterapeuta. Magíster en neurorehabilitación.

Elizabeth Roldán González, MSc., Fundación Universitaria María Cano

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista en Docencia Universitaria. Especialista en Alta Gerencia. Magister en Neurorehabilitación. Magister en Educación con mención en Investigación y Docencia Universitarias


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How to Cite

Audor González, M. H., Lerma Castaño, P. R., & González, E. R. (2022). Benefits of physical exercise in overweight and obese children in Neiva-Huila, Colombia. Revista Médica De Risaralda, 28(1).