Vol. 23 Núm. 2 (2018)
Using multi-criteria decision-making for selecting a smart metering infrastructure
Vistas(Views): 656
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 657
Design of a charge regulator for application in an isolated micro grid with photovoltaic generation
Vistas(Views): 570
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 1174
Construction of a system of flow and temperature instrumentation on a porcine farm in the municipality of Marsella, Risaralda
Vistas(Views): 580
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 509
Ohmic heater for extracting essential oils from aromatic plants
Vistas(Views): 585
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 1132
Graphical interface development for the position control of a 3RRR planar parallel manipulator
Vistas(Views): 530
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 470
Virtual prototype and cosimulation applied to a 3 DOF Delta Parallel Manipulator for Kinematics & Kinetics Behavior Studies
Vistas(Views): 536
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 403
Hands-on activity to facilitate the teaching – learning process of discrete simulation topics
Vistas(Views): 569
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 581
Stochastic petri nets in the impact of the capacity in the service in mass-produced restaurants
Vistas(Views): 569
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 610
Exploring relations between traffic accidents and business productivity using system dynamics
Vistas(Views): 531
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 441
Sistemas y Computación
Web application for staff selection through diffuse evaluations intervals
Vistas(Views): 547
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 441
Recommendation of Customized Learning Strategies Based on the CHAEA Test
Vistas(Views): 610
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 1526
Linked Data: what happens to heterogeneity and interoperability
Vistas(Views): 566
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 602
Optimization model to minimize feed costs portions standing (lifting, fattening and finishing)
Vistas(Views): 607
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 612
Web Platform for Biological Collections: Case Herbarium University of the Quindío
Vistas(Views): 574
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 1338
Ciencias Básicas
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations. Equation and physical interpretation
Vistas(Views): 537
- PDF (English) Descargas(Downloads): 508
ACROM. Una herramienta para el análisis de curvas de luz cromáticas de CoRoT
Vistas(Views): 554
- PDF (English) Descargas(Downloads): 452
Numerical Solutions of the Klein-Gordon Equation with Adaptive Mesh Refinement
Vistas(Views): 549
- PDF (English) Descargas(Downloads): 288
Evolution and conduct of the meander “curva el conejo” of magdalena river in the Dorada-Caldas zone
Vistas(Views): 478
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 809
Análisis de la dinámica fotosférica a granescala durante el ciclo solar 24
Vistas(Views): 522
- PDF (English) Descargas(Downloads): 281
Deposición de películas de carbono amorfo hidrogenado usando la técnica DC-pulsada PACVD
Vistas(Views): 653
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 330
Ciencias Ambientales
Evaluación de biochar como alternativa de sustrato en cultivos de tomate
Vistas(Views): 1351
- PDF Descargas(Downloads): 899